Friday, August 13, 2010


Day 6

I have skipped over days 4 & 5 for I have had difficulty putting into words all that is going on inside of me. Lots of preparation for my next step, but unsure what that looks like. I will get back to those days later. For now, I want to tell you of the labyrinth:

Today is Friday. The day that the labyrinth is uncovered- chairs removed so people from around the world can use this spiritual tool which has been used for over 800 years. There is something mystical and magical to think of all who came before...and all who will come after.

I had a sleepless night, but awoke at 8a without the help of an alarm. I had an alarm set so I wasn't restless in thinking I had to wake up on my own. What is amazing about this is that I haven't woken up before 9:30 so far. I jumped out of bed and prepared to go. The church opens at 8:30 and I wanted to be one of the firsts. I got there with 5 minutes to spare so I sat down on a bench in front of the royal portal. I glanced up at a clear sky and a bright sun. The sunlight lit up the 2 towers in parts, some in darkness while others shining with the sunlight. I loved the way the light played with the architecture.

At promptly 8:30, a person unlocked the iron gate and welcomed us. 3 of us walked into the nave, where it was a hushed darkness. Around the labyrinth stood a group with candles saying prayers. I have to admit that my first thought was "no fair, why wasn't I invited to this special event?" Then I laughed. Isn't it like us to want to feel special as we participate in special events only for a select few? God gently said, "your journey is a private one between you and I. You don't need this to feel special". People started to move around in preparation for walking the ancient stones. A handful of people entered before me and quite a few were behind me. My heart sunk as I acknowledged that I didn't want all these people around. Again, I laughed. This is life. People are always around. Their presence can bother us and dampen our experience OR we can learn to walk our journey with all these people around, keeping fast to our inward walk. So I started. It was slow going at first b/c people walk at different speeds. The woman before me liked to stop often and gaze upward. I decided to go with the flow and do likewize. This bothered some women behind us so they quickly past us on the quest to reach the center. I wonder if the center is your only focus, what you will miss in getting there so quickly. I am learning to be humble, observe and not judge so I am only making an observation. I do realize that we walk this in different stages of our lives; with different focuses. One author said: "All who walk the labyrinth are on the same path with the same goal. (I think the goal is not to reach the center, but for GOD to reach us) There is always a time when you go by someone moving in the opposite direction. Don't be fooled by appearances. Whether heading into the center or heading out from the center you are both on the same path." In this way, labyrinths can be used as a tool of compassion. As I passed beside people going along a further part or when I was walking out of the labyrinth, I used my time to observe others and smile. It is amazing what a smile can do- meaning without words: we are in this together.

As I walked towards the center, I constantly pulled my mind back into the present. It is so easy to allow our thoughts to roam and rob us of the present experience. Stopping, feeling the stones beneath me, looking up at the stain glass windows and saying a prayer of thanks were ways to bring me back. I was concerned that when I reached the center, it would be too crowded for me to say the Lord's prayer using the 6 petals of the rosette. "Do not worry" was the answer. So I let that go. I focused on just being.

There are many curves which take you on a 180 degree turn. There are times you feel you've just been there, but you are going a different direction. The beauty of this is that you can see what you missed when you were walking the other way. Potentially the same place, but different perspectives. What a wonderful way of looking at life.

I like thinking of the worn path, composed of many stones. All having beginnings and endings. Where one ends, another begins. Saying goodbye to one chapter opens you up for the next chapter. Whether it be a wonderful time in your life or the most difficult, these chapters do have a beginning and an end. Living in the moment allows us to get the most out of each chapter. There are lessons and silver lining experiences in every day living.

When I am relaxed in where I am going; knowing that the path is planned out, I feel at peace. Many turns make it impossible to see past the next turn, but I can be assured that there is a path. I believe this is the answer to successful living. Walking the steps in front of you as they open themselves, armed with confidence allows you to live this day to the fullest. Someone knows where you are going and it doesn't have to be you.

I reached the center as the only person left. I was alone in the rosette. This was truly amazing. I had pictured myself bumping into lots of others as I prayed. To be alone was glorious and an answer. I quietly went through my prayer of faith, surrender, service, abundance, forgiveness and strength. As I walked out of the 6th petal, I was drawn to the center circle. I stepped in and realized that I wasn't finished. It felt right to say "For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. amen." Now I was done. I was ready to take the curved path back to the beginning. As I met others going towards the center, I paused and smiled. It was a wonderful feeling to acknowledge each of our journeys with a smile. So easy to give, so easy to forget to give.

I left the cathedral with a joyful smile plastered on my face. I couldn't have frowned at that moment to save my life. I was too right with the world to frown.

I plan to go back later today, hopefully when the crowds have diminished so I can do it again. I feel more alive and open to life than I have ever felt. So many possibilities. The future looks bright. And you know how long I've waited to get here!

A side note: How are labyrinths a spiritual prayer tool? I have wondered this and think that God uses anytime we are quiet and still to show up and be with us. What makes a labyrinth beautiful is this; it allows our bodies to move while our minds can be still; walking and meditating without running into any walls.

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