Friday, August 13, 2010


Thoughts from a Pilgrim

I have been invited to meet GOD in Chartres, France. You may ask~ why travel so far when GOD is everywhere. That is a good question. One I asked also. The answer I found was this. GOD is everywhere and you can experience HIM in the most extraordinary places as well as the ordinary ones. BUT GOD has favorite places that HE wants to share with us. There are so many GOD favorite places that each of us will be invited in different ways and to different places. When we accept an invitation to a special place and make ready, HE meets us in BIG ways. What follows is my account of one journey.

Three months ago, GOD spoke loud and clear to the still quiet place in my soul~ Chartres and Go were in the same breathe. "How I asked? And when?"

Money is always an issue as well as time. HE said "No worries, I will supply" I said "ok" Within 3 days, I received an unexpected amount of cash~ enough to pay for my portion of my kids school tuition, taxes, tithing and the trip~ the four Ts. HE knows me so well~ I would have thought it foolish to go to France if I had a large tuition bill looming in my future. As for the time~ the kids were with their dad for 10 days in August. HE said~ 'both of your concerns are now mute, will you trust ME and GO?" What could I say other than YES?

Two months ago, through a series of events, I realized that I was called on a "pilgrimage" and that preparation was necessary. I was led to a series of books on preparing for a pilgrimage to Chartres. It was as if those books were written for me. How amazing!

Yesterday, I boarded a plane for Paris. I was nervous because I was being asked to embark on this alone. I asked GOD at the beginning of this adventure, if I would be traveling alone or with other people. HE said "Let me take care of this. Do not worry!" I am not sure if I am suppose to be "alone" the whole time, but at least the initial part. Also, I know my high school french won't be sufficient. I have been to France three times, but never to Chartres and never alone.

I think this invitation will be a festival of senses. On the plane last night, the stars were spectacular. The moon was breathtaking. The sunrise above the clouds transcending. I was in awe of the majesty GOD has created. Arriving in Chartres by train today was delightful. My french is lacking in verbal response, but is coming back in written form. I am taking my time in communicating and it is going well.

I read that when one approaches a place of holiness, one should circle the perimeter first and notice any places that speak to you. Listen to the voice of longing. Then walk inside and circle that as well. Continue to take note of your feelings and where GOD may want you to pause and listen. Don't stop yet as you circumambulate.

Look, pray, listen, feel, notice, open.

When you arrive back to your starting point, ask GOD where he wants you to pause and be still.

I did this in my preparation for meeting GOD. As I walked the perimeter, I was stunned by the awesomeness that makes this cathedral an incredible feat of architecture and design. The flying buttresses and stone walls meet incredibly detailed beautifully colored stain glass windows. This cathedral was built in the late 12th century when many people were illiterate. The windows and statues tell the story of the BIBLE as well as the saints that followed. These emotionally moving scenes speak to one's heart. I believe art can touch you in ways that the written word can not. While still outside, I stopped to smell the roses.~literally. The smell of those roses were intoxicating; one more of my senses heightened in sensitivity. Amazement in GOD's incredible bounty. GOD is a sharer. HE delights in sharing his bounty with us.

After some time outside, I walked inside. I was anxious to experience the soaring space that causes one to look upward. It was as I pictured and even more so. Many people wandered around and I wandered along. I circled the sanctuary and then stopped on the labyrinth covered with chairs. I knew about the labyrinth and am looking forward to walking it on Friday when the chairs are removed. I sat down and quietly took in the incredibleness of it all. Words do escape me in describing the experience. Suffice to say, I was touched. MY SOUL WAS AT PEACE. I have experienced the peace that passes all understanding before at times of great distress, but have never felt that my soul was at peace. What a feeling to be broken, open and at peace all at the same time. Could anything feel any better? I think not. This is GOD at work. Inner Peace despite all the chaos on the outside. WOW. This is what GOD's people have spoken of in the BIBLE. What a gift.

After a nap, I returned to the church for an evening concert. It was dark in the sanctuary with only candles for light. A woman sang while another played the flute. There was also a cellist. The haunting music rang out in the silence and slowly floated upward. Another experience for the senses. Afterwards I walked to the back of the cathedral where I was alone. I sat in a place that GOD had marked on my heart. The quiet and aloneness opened me to a dialogue with my FATHER. I told HIM how wonderful everything was so far. I was surprised, delighted and honored to be treated so well. HE was pleased that I was so excited. It delights HIM to give us good things. I couldn't stop smiling. What joy!

When I was finished with the inside, I asked if WE could move outside. To my utter delight, there was a beautifully executed light show on the cathedral's facade. I laughed to think how like GOD it is to be concerned with all the details. I sat on one of the stone blocks with a hundred other people and enjoyed the night air and cloudless evening. I learned that this village lights up 26 buildings during the summer months. When I say light up, it is hard to express the colors, design and breathtaking beauty these lights convey. It is spell binding.

All these and I have only been on my pilgrimage for 24 hours. What more amazing things does my FATHER have in store for me, I dare not imagine. HIS imagination is so much more vivid.

If you want to hear the rest of the story, email me and let me know. I don't want to bombard anyone with unwanted mail.

GOD bless you and keep you. May HE shine HIS face upon you and give you HIS peace.

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